Windows User Profile (corrupt/deleted)

Sometimes Windows Profiles gets corrupt especially roaming profiles or if different users are working on the same machine someone is deleting files from another profile just for fun or what ever. Than it often happens […]

Remote Desktop (RDP) to AzureAD connected PC

Sometimes you need to connect to an AzureAD connected device but with the normal login credentials AzureAD\userid this isn’t possible. For these cases you have to modify the RDP file corresponding to this article. So […]

Install unsigned drivers from advance boot menu

Restart your computer by holding the shift key while clicking on restart In the advanced boot menu choose: Troubleshoot Advanced options Start-Up Settings (may be on a second page!!) Restart Than choose F7 to disable […]

Remote management of Windows Firewall

Windows Firewall – Remote Access through MMC Enable rule to let the remote pc in: Enable the rule in a domain environment: Pay attention that this codes needs to be used in an elevated powershell […]

Use a core installation as AD (link)

For that I refer an external link as it’s a bit complicated. AD

Errors while activating Windows Server

2016 (even 2012) Sometimes it can happen that a key entry is corrupt and you can’t activate your Windows anymore and even worse trough the GUI you can’t change the product key or reinstall it.

How to install Windows Updates on a core edition

The simplest way to realize that is to create a script for that. On MSDN you can find the following and it’s working like a charm. Save this to a file named WUA_SearchDownloadInstall.vbs as example […]