Types of Authentication

Types of Authentication

In IT there are so many authentication options. Here are the 10 commonly used ones.

Password-BasedUsers enter a username and password.
Two-Factor (2FA)Combines a password with a second factor like a mobile code or app.
I just can recommend to add this to your accounts if possible.
Multi-Factor (MFA)USes multiple factors, such as a password, a smartphone and biometrics.
BiometricUses unique biological characteristics like fingerprints, facial recognition or iris scans.
Token-BasedUsers posess a physical device (token) that generates a code.
Luxtrust in Luxembourg removed this one for banking systems as it is to unsecure.
Certificate-BasedDigital certificates authenticate users – often used in enterprise environments.
Single Sign-On (SSC)Allows users to log in once and gain access to multiple systems without re-authenticating
Smart CardUsers authenticate by inserting a smart card into a reader and entering a PIN.
OAuth/OpenID ConnectUSers authenticate via third party services (like Facebook or Google) to access different services.
BehavioralAnalyzes patterns un user behaviour (like typing speed, mouse mouvements and so on) to authenticate users.
This is often used on sites to avoid sign in tries with a bot.
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