Cleanup & Info

I cleaned up the menu a bit and removed not realy used entries/pages. I’ve done this to concentrate more on some essential information about ICT. Also the timelines, which are for the moment in german, will get translated as I want everything in english on this page (except Videos from my YouTube channel as I don’t gonna record them in […]


The Settings for DSGVO/GDPR have been reviewed and changed so that the Google Fonts are now loaded locally and no longer from the Google Servers. Also, the consent banner has been updated and the Captcha Services have been exchanged with an EU friendly Captcha System. To be sure the Google Maps have been exchanged with OpenStreeMap. As addition I created […]

More Updates

Over the weekend some more info were added on the RAM, VGA and Connectors pages (including some glossary terms). I also imported some text from an old site I once had so that I now have all prepared for my Windows Timeline.

Different Updates

During the last days different changes and updates have been done. The ICT 80 timeline got some additional posts. A new FAQ got added as also some glossary terms. Some cosmetic changes have been done on the frontpage