Linux Cheatsheet (for beginners)

Linux Cheatsheet (for beginners)

lslists contents of a directory just like dir under DOS
catconcatenate and print files
grepsearches for specific results with pattern
clearclear the terminal
cdchange directory
pwdprint the working directory
mkdircreates (make) a directory
rmdirdelete (remove) a directory
manprints the manual pages of a specific tool
whichreturns the path to an executable
findsearches for files in a directory hierarchy
locatesearches for files in a system using a prebuilt database
who / whoamidisplay all logged in users / current user
idreturns user ID
chmodchanges permissions and mode flags of a file or directory
unameprints operating system’s name (unix name)
ifconfignetwork interface configuration of the system
ipdisplay and configure network parameters
sudo / suexecutes a command as a different user
by default the superuser
open a sessions a s superuser
pslists the running processes status
killsends a kill signal to a process
headview the first lines of any text
mvmove files
cpcopy files
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